Sunday, July 12, 2009

Let's Open Source The WORLD!!!!


I have a great idea!

What if we can make an online application. Something like Google code or GitHub. But instead of hosting code, the web app will host DESIGNS. And not just designs, but OPEN SOURCE DESIGNS.

What if we could take a car design, and post it online. Make it viewable to everyone, and anyone can take the design and optimize it. Post the changes, have others test and review it. And if the optimization works, then commit the changes. Think "OPEN SOURCE CARS". My oh my! It will not take long before we have water powered cars.

But let's not only limit ourselves to cars. How about Refrigerators, Computers, projectors, structures, etc. The list is endless.

Most of us know what open-source software has done for us. Even the development progress of Open source software is picking up speed. Why don't we apply this to every field of design?

Alright. Here's what I can and am willing to do:

1. I can contribute to the system design of the web app that will host the open source designs.

Wait a minute... Why don't we open source the web app too?! Alright... I'll create a google code project first.

I also made a google group...

I cannot do this alone. I need help. If you want to contribute to advocate this project, please email me.

Oh, what a beautiful world we can make, when no one cares who gets the credit.

Thank you!


Monday, June 8, 2009

A principle for product design and production

Plastic. It takes a really really long time for plastic to biodegrade. The actual figures are in hundreds, thousands, and millions of years (depends on what kind of plastic). However, despite this fact, we continue producing a huge amount of plastic products. We know that it clogs up sewer systems. We know that it poses a major problem in landfills. We know that it kills sealife. We know and we know and yet we do nothing. That is why I would like to propose a simple principle that we should practice while busy with our drive for progress.

This is the principle.

"The rate at which we produce a certain product must not exceed the rate at which we can break it down."

Therefore, before we develop technologies that speed up the production of plastics, or any other product, we should develop technologies first that speed up its "biodegration" (if there's such a term).

Talking my thoughts...

The "ThoughtTalks" site was not originally or entirely my idea. It was a collaborative effort of three people, namely, ACP, ikastest, and david (my brother). We were off to a good start, but along the way, we lost heart in the project, and we just didn't continue pushing for it. Anyway, I'm not restarting "ThoughtTalks", but rather, I'm planning to just share my thoughts to everyone, so I decided to use the name because it really expresses what I want to do - to "Talk my thoughts!"
